Author - ADV Care

Winter Wellness: Essential Health Tips for the Cold Season

As the chilly winds and frosty temperatures of winter set in, it's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. The winter season brings unique challenges and considerations, but with the right strategies in place, you...

Understanding Dizziness: Common Causes and What to Do

Dizziness is a common symptom experienced by many individuals, often characterized by a sense of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, or a spinning sensation. It can be caused by various factors, ranging from benign issues to more serious...

Wegovy & Ozempic : Continued Research for Off-label Use Cases for Semaglutides & Other GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

Off-label use refers to the practice of prescribing a medication for a purpose other than its approved indication. While GLP-1 receptor agonists like Wegovy have been primarily approved for the treatment of diabetes and chronic...