

Heartburn and What To Do About It?

Have you ever had that pain and burning sensation in your chest as you’re just getting ready to sleep after a hard day’s work? Well, I have. And in case you haven’t - lucky for...

Can We Prevent Dementia?

40 Lifestyle self-assessments for the over-40s 

Guest Blog by Mohamed Elmasry, PhD - 
I am now an octogenarian. In talking with my 80-something friends, we all agree that it would be far more dignified to die in a...

Taking Strides Against Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains a significant public health challenge worldwide, with its prevalence steadily rising. However, emerging research suggests that a simple and accessible activity—fast-paced walking—may hold the key to preventing and managing this...

The Motivational Power of Exercise Buddies for Seniors

Starting a fitness journey alongside peers might just be the secret sauce for older adults looking to boost their exercise routine, according to intriguing new research. A recent randomized clinical trial published in JAMA Network Open...

Can Coffee Reduce the Risk of Parkison’s Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) remains a significant neurological disorder, affecting millions worldwide. While its exact cause remains elusive, emerging research suggests a potential link between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of developing PD. Delving into...

Insights and Solutions for Smoking Cessation

In the realm of public health, few adversaries have been as relentless or pervasive as smoking. Despite decades of awareness campaigns and stringent regulations, the allure of tobacco continues to ensnare individuals worldwide, exacting a...

Eye Health and Diabetes

Diabetes and eyesight are intricately linked. Maintaining tight control over glucose levels is crucial for keeping eyes healthy and vision clear. Individuals with diabetes face an increased risk of developing various eye problems, including diabetic...

Understanding and Managing Heartburn

Heartburn, despite its innocuous name, can be a formidable foe in our daily lives. It’s that uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest that can disrupt meals, sleep, and overall well-being. Understanding its causes, identifying common...

A Comprehensive Exploration of Post-Stroke Depression and Its Management Strategies

Stroke, a devastating event affecting millions worldwide, not only alters physical health but also has profound implications for mental well-being. Post-Stroke Depression (PSD) is a prevalent yet often overlooked consequence of stroke, impacting the recovery...